Creating AdVancify: My Journey

In 2023, I made a life-changing decision: it was time to take a career break and reassess what I truly wanted from life. After spending 14 years working in media agencies, I knew deep down that I still enjoyed what I did—but somewhere along the way, I had lost the love I once had for my job and career. I felt lost. I felt a part of “the rat race” and like I wasn’t really getting anywhere. I didn’t want to do it anymore, something needed to change. I knew I needed a different purpose, a fresh perspective and direction, I just had no idea what that was yet.

Taking the Leap and Finding Inspiration
So, I took the plunge. I quit my agency job, packed my bags, and decided to travel. My journey began with a backpacking trip through India with a friend, followed by solo travels to Singapore and Indonesia. India, in particular, was an eye-opening experience. The entrepreneurial spirit I saw there was inspiring. People were creating businesses with whatever they had, many with little to no formal education or resources. Yet, they were succeeding. They were resourceful, resilient, and driven. It was during this trip that the first seed of my future business was planted. At the time, I didn’t realise it, but looking back, India gave me the spark I needed to back myself. If those entrepreneurs could do it, why couldn’t I? I had years of experience, education, and a passion for media and marketing. The only thing holding me back was my mindset.

Returning Home with a New Perspective
After a few months of travel and soul-searching, I returned to Australia. I didn’t have the career epiphany I’d hoped for, but I came back with a renewed sense of appreciation for Australia and how fortunate we are to live here. The access to education, healthcare, freedom, and space made me realise how many opportunities were available to us. I spent some much-needed time in my hometown of Port Macquarie, reconnecting with family and friends. It was during this time that I started noticing the thriving small business community around me. Every corner I turned, there was a new local business, and when I mentioned my media background, people always had questions. “Could you help me with this?” “What should I do about that?” It was in these conversations that the next seed was planted.

Realizing a New Path: Helping Small Businesses
I began to wonder, "What if I started a media and marketing consultancy to help small businesses?" With my experience and skills, I knew I could make a real impact. I’ve always loved helping people, and this seemed like the perfect way to do it without completely shifting careers. But then, self-doubt crept in. "I’ve only worked in large media agencies with big brands—never with small businesses. I’ve always had a team of specialists around me. How could I handle everything on my own?"

That’s when I decided to invest in learning. With time on my side, I immersed myself in understanding small business marketing—how to build websites, manage social media, create engaging content, and leverage the tools I already knew well. I watched tutorials, took short courses, and even enrolled in a small business and entrepreneurship course. Not only did I want to grasp the challenges small business owners face, but since I was likely going to set up my own business, it was a win-win journey of growth and education.

Facing Personal Challenges Along the Way
This year, my father had a health scare. Thankfully, he's doing okay, but he now needs more help and support than before—something many of us face as our parents age. I took a step back to focus on my family, spending more time in my hometown to help my dad, and to spend more time with family, all while continuing my research. This turned out to be a pivotal moment for me. It became clear that I needed the flexibility to work from anywhere. That realization fueled my decision to build my own business, and the value of flexibility became a core principle of AdVancify.

Giving Back and Making a Difference
In April, I began volunteering with a local Northern Beaches charity, Op for Change, helping them with social media and marketing. I felt inspired by the work they were doing for the community and wanted to give back. I continue to work with them as my charity partner because I believe in their mission and want to support positive change. I also helped a friend launch her yoga business while travelling, assisting her with branding, setting up social media, and building her online presence. Seeing the tangible results of my efforts was incredibly rewarding and reinforced my desire to help small businesses grow.

The Birth of AdVancify
As I helped others, the idea for AdVancify started to take shape. My self-doubt began to fade, and I started to back myself, realizing I had the skills, knowledge, and experience to create a business focused on helping small businesses succeed. After all, I had spent my entire career helping businesses. I’d built campaigns of all sizes, been part of award-winning teams, and delivered successful media strategies across a wide range of industries. I had worked with enough businesses, strategized with countless marketing teams, delivered numerous pitches, led presentations, and crafted proposals to feel confident I could do this on my own.

Eventually, I came up with the name AdVancify Media & Consulting, and it was born. I designed my own logo using Canva, built my website, and officially launched the business. I began attending networking events, connecting with fellow business owners, and offering services like marketing audits, social media reviews, and small business consultations. I quickly realized that my years of experience with large brands had given me valuable insights that could greatly benefit small businesses. These entrepreneurs were doing everything themselves without marketing teams, and they needed guidance—something I was more than equipped to provide.

Bridging the Gap Between Media Agencies and Small Businesses
At the core of my expertise lies media strategy, planning, and buying—it’s my bread and butter. While I’m passionate about helping small business owners with their marketing, I also wanted to provide full-service media strategy, planning, and buying services for established and scaling businesses. I noticed that many local agencies focus on small business marketing, branding, digital, and social media, but there was a gap in the market for specialist media services tailored to scaling businesses. These businesses often need expert guidance without the long-term commitment of a traditional media agency.

They need someone who understands how both traditional (ATL) and digital media work together, and how integrated media solutions can help them grow. That’s where I wanted AdVancify to come in — to fill that gap and deliver expert, agency-quality media campaigns to medium and scaling businesses. I wanted AdVancify to also be able to collaborate with these other agencies focused on small businesses and enhance the work they do for their clients.

My goal is for AdVancify to bridge the gap between media agencies and small businesses, providing the specialized media expertise these businesses deserve.

Looking Forward: A New Beginning

Fast forward one year from when I embarked on my journey in India, and I now have my own business—AdVancify. If you had asked me back then if I would ever run my own business, I would have laughed and said, “No way!” But here I am.

This journey has given me perspective and taught me the importance of being kind to myself. I’ve spent more time with family, volunteered to help others, and built a business that I’m truly proud of. AdVancify is only just beginning, and I’m excited to continue growing, helping small business owners succeed, and shaping my own future.


How to Build Your Own Website